Game Rangers International (GRI) operates five conservation projects in Zambia. The Elephant Orphanage Project has rescued 13 animals, which are being rehabilitated at Lilayi Elephant Nursery and Kafue Release Facility and will ultimately be released back into the wild in Kafue National Park. As well as animal welfare, GRI supports ZAWA with wildlife law enforcement, supports conservation clubs in schools, helps local communities tackle human elephant conflict and carries out biodiversity research. GRI are 100% donor funded and rely heavily on individuals and organisations to be able to continue protecting wildlife in Zambia.

The Deli Group is raising funds for GRI through cupcakes for conservation at the Deli (Lunzua Road) and cocktails for conservation at Sugarbush Café (Leopards Hill Road).

The idyllic Sugarbush Café is now under the management of the Deli Group and with the addition of Romi’s brother Josh into the mix, fresh from toiling London’s premier cocktail venues as a mixologist, their Brother-Sister-Best Friend management team aims to bring quality drinks and food to this destination cafe.

In addition to favourites like new and improved Sunday Roasts,they provide the best in comfort and bistro fare as well as access to all the organic veg on offer. Don’t forget to de-stress with one of their fabulous cocktails! You can feel good about every sip of their Best Ever Bloody Mary, as they donate the proceeds to Game Rangers International.