Environmental Education kicks off! Chongwe outreach 2015

CLZ’S Environmental Education Programme began in Chongwe District this month, funded by Elephant Charge. Our EEP team visiting 10 schools bordering the Lower Zambezi National Park for a lesson on poaching, and its effects, on not only wildlife but on local and global populations. Environmental Educator Besa Kaoma reached 362 school pupils during this visit to introduce the NEW 2015 environmental education curriculum. The EE team had a fantastic reception from teachers and pupils  – a huge thanks to all the schools involved for their enthusiasm and commitment to education and conservation of the precious wildlife of the Lower Zambezi!

Wild Dogs – finally photographed!

We are pleased to share photographic evidence of the African Wild Dogs, one of the world’s most endangered species, near CLZ’s doorstep! The two adults and four sub-adults have been spotted numerous times in recent weeks. Sadly an elephant was poached in the GMA this month, but the hunter responsible was apprehended by scouts and both the weapon and ivory was recovered. Congratulations to the Zambia Wildlife Authority officers for their bravery and dedication to their work.


Thank You

A huge thanks this month to CC systems for their complementary printing of our safari guide training manuals, to Southern Sun Ridgeway for their ongoing generosity towards CLZ, to Luke Mcnamara for his very kind donation of a new fuel tank and technical expertise to get our motorbike up and running again! A huge thanks also to Prozam paint  for their heavily discounted paint, enabling us to decorate our new staff accommodation.

A huge thanks to Gerry Carbin and Buya Bamba for fruit and vegetables for scouts, safari guides and CLZ Base Camp staff. Thanks to Dan Wyle of Pro-Car Zambia for all his help in getting our vehicles up and running!

In the Lower Zambezi, CLZ is proudly supported by Platinum Members: Anabezi Luxury Tented Camp, Baines River CampChiawa CampChongwe River Camp, Mwambashi River LodgeOld Mondoro Bush CampRoyal Zambezi Lodge and Sausage Tree Camp; Gold Members: Chongwe River HouseKasaka River Lodge Silver Members: Kanyemba Lodge, River Grande and Mvuu Lodge

Article by: Conservation Lower Zambezi