Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA)
Annual Operations Meeting at Conservation Lower Zambezi
In the Lower Zambezi National Park (LZNP) and surrounding areas, three ZAWA offices work hard to protect the precious wildlife of the area from poaching and other illegal activities. Based in Chirundu, Chinyunyu and Luangwa, respectively on the west, north and east boundaries of the Lower Zambezi National Park (4094km2) management from these offices communicate on a frequent basis but may not meet for months at a time. On Monday 25 November, Senior ZAWA Officers from all three locations including the Area Wardens, Solomon Chidunuka and Moses Mukumbi gathered together to discuss the year’s wildlife law enforcement operations and strategies for next year. Area Warden Chidunuka congratulated all of the officers in the field for reaching the target of illegal activity prevention, which he had set in 2013, and encouraged all to continue to demonstrate the same level of dedication in 2014. Well done to the Lower Zambezi ZAWA officers.
Crop saving Felumbus in Mugurameno
The first elephant-safe granary store “Felumbu” has been constructed in Chiuye (Chiawa Game Management Area) with the help of our projects officer Stephen Kalio. Subsistence agriculture is a common activity in this region but with unpredictable rains and crop raiding elephants harvests are precious. Disaster often strikes when traditional storage structures are targeted by hungry elephants and entire harvests are lost overnight. Designed by Awely, the “Felumbu” store is a simple structure made of bricks and cement, which can help improve food security by keeping harvested maize and other crops away from elephants. While CLZ provide 3 pockets of cement and black plastic for the floor, the owners of the store provide the bricks and labour for the construction. Since the completion of the first store, further interest about the stores has arisen in the local community and an initial phase of five more “Felumbus” will commence shortly.
HIV/AIDS Training for the CLZ Environmental Education Program
Thanks to SidEcole (Christine Pellegrini) and AMSCO Besa Kaoma, CLZ Environmental Educator attended a three-day course with Afya Mzuri in Lusaka, Zambia to learn about HIV in the workplace. During the course Besa learnt some new HIV/AIDS awareness activities, which he will integrate into the education program next year. As well as new activities, Besa also learnt about the importance of an HIV/AIDS workplace policy. He is now working on a policy for CLZ to implement which will include counselling and testing opportunities for staff.
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Article written by: Conservation Lower Zambezi
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