This remote park in the far west is pristine wilderness that to the ardent bush-lover, is its biggest attraction, and the rewards are great indeed.
The game is spread out across the plains and takes some driving around to find but to come across a vast herd of blue wildebeest, prowling wild dogs or a pride of dozing lions in this forgotten piece of Africa is especially fitting because of its completely natural and uncommercialised state.
The birdlife is abundant and the very dramatic storms and lightning rising up on the horizon, contrasting with the green and gold grasslands, create spectacular views and fantastic photographic opportunities in the summer rainy season from about November.
On the Road with Zambia Tourism VI: Liuwa Plains
With our trip into it's final week, we made our way south-west towards Liuwa Plains. Some locals we had got talking to in Mayukuyuku Camp back in Kafue had told us the trip would take us 4 hours or so. [...]
In love with Liuwa Plains
Liuwa Plains National Park is a park in Barotseland in Western Zambia that is distinct from the rest of the country and holds allure for wildlife afficianodos from the world on account of its diversity and extraordinary landscapes. Liuwa has [...]