This must be one of the most relaxing ways to spend a few days (providing, of course, the storms don’t come up – then it turns into an adventure second to none!).
Lake Kariba houseboat holidays are legendary and most days are calm and sunny. The Zambian side of the lake is not too crowded with other houseboaters compared to the Zimbabwean side. Kariba is fortunately big enough to feel completely isolated as you drift along the banks or over to the many islands. The sunsets and sunrises are particularly spectacular.
You can hire a luxury cruiser with cabins and crew to serve you in style or take your own food, bring loads of friends and party (responsibly!) until you drop.
A word about swimming: it is not safe to swim near the shoreline because of hippos, crocodiles and the possibility of contracting bilharzia. If you want to cool off, it’s best to anchor in really deep water and have a very quick dip. Crocodiles are very interested in splashing and shouting – do we need to say more? Diving, ‘bomb dropping’, water fights and so on are very risky.
The dry season runs from about May to October, depending on when the last rains depart and the first arrive. August and September are generally the driest with balmy nights that are perfect for appreciating the stars from the deck…