Minister Of Tourism and Arts Jean Kapata has lifted the ban on hunting in the 19 hunting blocks with immediate effect. Ms Kapata made the announcement at a press briefing held at the Ministry of Tourism head office in Lusaka this morning.
She however said that the hunting will be conducted under laid down conditions and strict supervision from ZAWA. But that the ban on big Cats still stands. Hunting in the said blocks was suspended in 2013 due to inability to select outfitters in these blocks arising from a flawed process in the tender.
Hunting of Lions and other cats was banned on understanding that their populations were depleted to such low levels that it was not sustainable to hunt them.
She has also appealed to everyone to assist government and ZAWA in the conservation of the wildlife and its habitat in Zambia. She said that Zambia prides itself in having arguably the richest bio-diversity on the continent, which we all should guard against depletion..
Article by: The Zambia Wildlife Authority
Please note that we are not the Zambia Tourism Board and don’t make these policy decisions. We are a private organization dedicated to providing information about travel and tourism in Zambia.
UPDATE: Here is ZAWA’s response to this press release:
It\’s unbelievable that just now, when elephants are under such a threat you decide to have them killed by hunters. I think we have to alter our travel plans to Zambia next year. Paople come to admire your \’fantastic wildlife, vast open spaces , friendly people and incredible scenery, as you promote on your page not to see them shot by nobrains, but I fear you must belong to that category as well (not meaning to be impolite though!) because otherwise you would never even think of giving permits to hunters!!!
As a Zambian involved in conservation (most of which has been with elephants), I can tell you that a travel/tourism boycott would work on countries that care about their international image. The Zambian government is too busy worrying about presidential succession at the moment.
Conservation relies heavily on tourists as NGO’s get lodges and camps in their area to chip in with conservation efforts and pay annual member fees, etc. So by withholding your tourism you’re actually making it a lot harder for us to do our jobs and protect EVERY animal, not just elephants.
Please reconsider? And do not judge us on the government we work under, we are trying our best and without tourist income there will be a heavy lean on hunting income – a negative feedback cycle that will just get worse and worse with time.
Please protect animals especially from tourists and try to encourage people who want to appreciate the beauty of the animals not kill them
Hunting of wild animals is for the amusement of some individuals and does not benefit the environmemt. It actually creates an imbalance in the Eco system. Killing of humans is a criminal offence and so should hunting of these animals. A very sad day for humanity and our precious wildlife. We cannot support tourism in a country that does not support conservation of its wildlife.
Saddened to hear this news, is your country not following the declining numbers in poached animals? As a tour operator taking New Zealanders to Africa, this desision will affect our preferred countries to visit on safari. Good bye business from The African Touch!!
Its a disgrace to allow hunting Your country should be BOYCOTTED until the ban is back in place Tourists travel thousands of kilometres to view these majestic animals that are alive not lying in a pool of blood What a shame!
Stop this barbaric practice, you even have controlled this site so I can not tell you what I really think, its pathetic
The hunting of animals and slaughter with guns of the wild animals in your region is disgusting and barbaric, and should STOP immediately, I can not tell you how I feel about it, The world needs more animals and LESS people who want to kill them. You and your decision disgust me.
The hunting of animals and slaughter with guns of the wild animals in your region is disgusting and barbaric, and should STOP immediately, I can not tell you how I feel about it, but if someone turned a gun on you for these decisions you have made, I would not be upset about it. The world needs more animals and LESS people who want to kill them. You and your decision disgust me.
Sick bastards…how to kill tourism in one fell swoop!! Get over your greed and corruption and think about sustainability for once.
I have visited Zambia in the past & I’ve spent money in Zambia. I am planning on going on safari again in 2015 with 4 other people – but I will be sure that we do NOT visit Zambia as long as the country allows hunting of elephants. It’s really shocking, that Zambia would allow legal hunting of these majestic creatures while an elephant is poached in Africa EVERY 15 MINUTES! At this rate – Elephants will be extinct in 10 – 15 years. Once the animals are gone & China has taken all of Africa’s natural resources, what will be left? NOTHING! Think about it. Please do the right thing & ban all hunting. Thank you for your time & consideration.
Absolute disgrace, hang your heads in shame! I was born in Zambia and was very proud of my both nation until now! One of the reasons I returned last year was to see the elephants. This decision needs to be reversed with some wisdom!
Zambia Tourism says ” you offer an awe-inspiring exploration of Africa. It is blessed with fantastic wildlife…” It if you continue to lift the ban on hunting elephants and other wildlife, that will not be you advertisement for long to encourage people to visit your country. I am planning a trip to Africa in the future, but Zambia has now been eliminated from the countries I plan to visit and will be until the hunting ban is enforced again.
Beautyful l country, but HUNTING elephants an other wildlife?
For god’s sake move with the times and protect these endangered creatures. Please please please
Please save The Elephants!! They need our protection or they will be gone!!!
Many thousands have signed this pledge!!!!!!!!
This is DISGUSTING!!!!! It only ever comes down to GREED & MONEY!!!!!! This is the most stupid & horrible thing I have ever heard!!!!!!
What happens when ALL the elephants have left this world???? When future children will never get to see or understand what an elephant is?????
I don’t know how you can sleep at night?????????????
What are you thinking – just when the world. Is moving forward with conservation you allow hunting?!?
Do you REALLY want gun carrying tourists running around Zambia rather than peaceful ones??
This seems to be a very bad decision in the light of the current poaching crisis of elephants and rhinos in other parts of Africa. How long before Zambia’s elephants are also massacred like those in East and Central Africa? Far better for Zambia to encourage non – consumptive tourism which generates higher income than hunting and the wildlife can be seen by many, not just by one hunter and it’s dead. Hunting or poaching – one pays and the other steals – but the end result is the same – the animal is dead.