Minister Of Tourism and Arts Jean Kapata has lifted the ban on hunting in the 19 hunting blocks with immediate effect. Ms Kapata made the announcement at a press briefing held at the Ministry of Tourism head office in Lusaka this morning.
She however said that the hunting will be conducted under laid down conditions and strict supervision from ZAWA. But that the ban on big Cats still stands. Hunting in the said blocks was suspended in 2013 due to inability to select outfitters in these blocks arising from a flawed process in the tender.
Hunting of Lions and other cats was banned on understanding that their populations were depleted to such low levels that it was not sustainable to hunt them.
She has also appealed to everyone to assist government and ZAWA in the conservation of the wildlife and its habitat in Zambia. She said that Zambia prides itself in having arguably the richest bio-diversity on the continent, which we all should guard against depletion..
Article by: The Zambia Wildlife Authority
Please note that we are not the Zambia Tourism Board and don’t make these policy decisions. We are a private organization dedicated to providing information about travel and tourism in Zambia.
UPDATE: Here is ZAWA’s response to this press release:
Hunting Elephants & other wildlife for trophies is obscene, our worlds wildlife, Elephants face many dangers from Man, they are poached so much , we are losing them at an unpresidented rate. I find this side of your country unacceptable after reading you are now allowing hunting to take place
Even with strict controls this cannot be the way to go frowards.
Africa at it’s most wild is free roaming animals that will not be hunted in the name of entertainment. This is going backwards, the world is angry at Ivory poaching & the slaughter of so many fine Elephants, their families torn apart. Families are their world & you want to shoot them again. Backwards wouldn’t ever visit your country or buy a single thing you produced or help support this in anyway. Atrocious to go backwards. Real Africa never shot wildlife, elephants for fun for trophies, obscene. Hunting was once done for survival still is in a small minority of place, to feed take only what was needed.
The worlds hunting of today is for greed, false entertaiment, excessive amounts of money paid out to kill animals that have a right to roam our earth as well as us. .Never will this be the right way.
Please stop this horror , dont allow rednecks to kill animals , you have so many beautiful creatures in your country , and they deserve to live and enjoy like humans do!
He should be named Kaput, a word for ‘done,’ ‘gone,’ ‘finished.’ These murderous policies are shameful steps toward the utter decimation of wildlife. How funny this page bears an ad mentioning ‘fantastic wildlife’ while corrupt Zambian politicians do their best to destroy it. The world is watching. SHAME!
I really cannot see how allowing extensions of hunting in Zambia is guarding against the depletion of wildlife. The rapid decline of all wildlife across Africa is receiving massive publicity globally. Please can you explain in detail how allowing highly endangered animals such as elephants to be killed is protecting them?
Zambia is a such beautiful country because of his people AND his wonderful wildlife.Eco turism representes a great part of economy.I really would like to come back to Zambia but I swear never do it during the time the hunt will be allowed and ,happily, I \\\\\’m not the onlyone.Please reconsider this decision and save your wildlife,Sincerely,Corinne Le GuillouFrance
Zambia is a such beautiful country because of his people AND his wonderful wildlife.Eco turism representes a great part of economy.I really would like to come back to Zambia but I swear never do it during the time the hunt will be allowed and ,happily, I \\\’m not the onlyone.Please reconsider this decision and save your wildlife,Sincerely,Corinne Le GuillouFrance
Keep the bans on hunting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not slaughter these animals. this is my first commment; do not black comments
Keep the bans on hunting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not slaughter these animals
I am horrified that you have reinstated hunting in this region. These hunters will disregard any rules once that are in, All animals will be fair game to them regardless of restrictions. Your beautiful country has so much more to offer than the destruction of it’s most beautiful treasures that you already have, your wildlife. Alive and living freely. Work with what you have, do not be instrumental in its destruction.
How can you do this???? Do you not have a concience or any compassion? Is greed & money that important that you would NOT protect your heritage which includes wild animaStand up and do the right thing and BAN wildlife hunting before you destroy what is left. If you let hunters and people poach and kill animals or trophy hunt you are sending a message you don’t care. It’s obvious you don’t care actually. Maybe you care more about money than life. No one will come to Africa….unless you change this decision. Be the voice for your country, heritage and the wildlife your country has before they all go extinct! This decision is outrageous and terrible. How can you do this? Shameon you!
Explore Africa not Destroy Africa !!
Lifting the hunting ban is one of the most idiotic decisions I’ve seen made so far .
You should be protecting the wildlife of your lands for the best interests of future generations to come not allow mindless barbarism for sake of tourism or sport now .
How much more evidence is needed to prove that there is no future in hunting, many species are already near crisis point .. Once extinct they are gone forever !
I am extremely disappointed to hear of this dreadful decision. WHY?I shall be avoiding travel to your country due to this decision. I am terribly sorry that you have lost respect for your heritage.
I can’t believe you have lifted the ban on hunting. My family & I were thinking of visiting Zambia next year for a month long holiday. As a result of this , WE WILL NOT BE VISITING YOUR COUNTRY!
This is ridiculous with 3 elephants being killed every hour and then YOU lift the ban to kill the Elephants.
These animals are the heritage of each and every country in Africa and should be respected and protected!!!!
Do not give in to these senseless uneducated people that are trigger happy!!! No amount of money can replace
that which is already lost to our continent of Africa.!!!!! They are vital to the eco system and if we allow that to be demolished any which way we are killing our World our Earth!!!! Please revoke your decision!!!! NOW!!!!
The lift on ban of hunting elephants is absolutely disgusting, you are disgusting people, shame on the lot of you, may you rot in hell
This minister must be an evil and corrupt person to allow hunting! I will never visit this country!
Dear Minister of Tourism, Jean Kapata,
I hope you can continue your ban on hunting. Wild animals need to be kept for future generations to see. I am sure that the tourist dollars you will get if you keep the wild animals, as Botswana has done, so that people from around the world come to Zambia to see animals, will be much more than the short-term dollars you will get from allowing hunting. Most wild animals are already suffering from loss of numbers. In three years, 100,000 elephants have been killed in Africa. Zambia does not need hunting to increase the losses, but rather we should be protecting the animals. Please protect the animals in Zambia.
Thank you,
Oliver Wales-Smith, Harare, Zimbabwe
Please stop the hunting of elephants. At the rate they are being killed they cannot produce enough offspring to survive extinction. Figures show that they will be extinct by 2020. Then where will Zambia’s tourism be?
Please do not allow elephants to be hunted! We are in danger of losing these beautiful creatures for ever!! Once they are extinct we can’t bring them back!! They are intelligent, sentient beings. They live in family groups that love and care for each other! How would you feel if someone came along and shot dead one of your close family members? They grieve, for a long time for their loved ones. Everyone knows you are making this decision based on money and the world is watching you!! Please, please rethink and leave the elephants alone!!