Minister Of Tourism and Arts Jean Kapata has lifted the ban on hunting in the 19 hunting blocks with immediate effect. Ms Kapata made the announcement at a press briefing held at the Ministry of Tourism head office in Lusaka this morning.
She however said that the hunting will be conducted under laid down conditions and strict supervision from ZAWA. But that the ban on big Cats still stands. Hunting in the said blocks was suspended in 2013 due to inability to select outfitters in these blocks arising from a flawed process in the tender.
Hunting of Lions and other cats was banned on understanding that their populations were depleted to such low levels that it was not sustainable to hunt them.
She has also appealed to everyone to assist government and ZAWA in the conservation of the wildlife and its habitat in Zambia. She said that Zambia prides itself in having arguably the richest bio-diversity on the continent, which we all should guard against depletion..
Article by: The Zambia Wildlife Authority
Please note that we are not the Zambia Tourism Board and don’t make these policy decisions. We are a private organization dedicated to providing information about travel and tourism in Zambia.
UPDATE: Here is ZAWA’s response to this press release:
I’m extremely shocked that you are allowing hunting of precious innocent wild animals. Over the past 50 years, the numbers of these magnificent and essential members of the Earth Ecosystem has drastically declined all because of human stupidity. What could possibly have made you come to this decision? Was it money? Because it certainly wasn’t moral or ethical or scientific reasoning. I am so distraught at your decision, at a time when the government needed to step up and do what is right. Did you know that hunters have mental health problems? Their brains lack empathy with psychopathic brains. How can you let mentally ill humans ruin the Earth’s ecosystem that was in place for millions of years with no problems?? It is vanishing in this one generation because of mentally ill humans and the governments who let the mentally ill destroy everything beautiful on the planet.
It’s unfortunat that you people gave into the pressure and briabary of the trophy hunting lobby. Now anyone who is appalled by hunting will not support your country and thus tourist dollars will be spent in countries like Botswana which have used common sense and banned hunting.
I am shocked to read that you have lifted the ban on elephant hunting. I was looking forward to visiting your country again in particula because of the hospitality of the pipulation and the beautiful nature. But this news however will block my visit. Warm regards. Rick van der Noordaa
Don’t allow hunting of any animals. Is the money being brought in by poachers worth more than the scorn you’ll receive by the rest of the decent human beings of the world?
I am planning a holiday to Africa. Sadly Zambia is now of my list. Truly saddens me that’s we have governments like this and corrupt politicians who allow such practise. Wake up Zambia and the rest of Africa. You want the all mighty tourist dollar, then conserve your environment and wildlife. I refuse to support any enconomy that promotes and supports hunting. You won’t see me I’m Zambia and I urge the responsible community to do the same. Shame on you Zambia and shame on you minister. You are a corrupt woman just like the rest of them.
With all the information available today what impact these decisions will have on wildlife, please Zambia think again!!!!!!!!!!
These animals do not deserve to die to fulfil some sick minded hunters desire. It’s a disgrace. Hunting defenceless animals is cowardly, evil, and completely unnecessary. The ban should be upheld, and the hunters hunted out of the country.
Lifting the ban on hunting is an asanine decision. Ecotourism and being able to see and photograph these najestic animals alive will bring in far more money over time than the quick cash made from killing them off. Living animals are a far greater natural resource than dead ones.
Hunting elphants is immoral and disgusting, we need to preserve these animals for future generations to enjoy, please reconsider your decision to allow hunting of these wonderful animals. God did not put them on this planet to be hunted!
Stop hunting defenseless, beautiful creatures.
Are you people completely ignorant of the state of elephants on the planet? They are nearing extinction! Did you know that 100,000 elephants have been killed in the last 3 years? And now you decide to open hunting season on your treasured elephants that belong to the world\\’s people? They don\\’t belong to you! They are not objects to be used for your self aggrandizement and your financial gain! How dare you sit in your high seat of judgement to kill these magnificent Beings who have more compassion and intelligence than you are exhibiting! People come to Zambia to see the wild LFE, not the DEAD remains of glorious elephants. So you will suffer the loss of tourism and lose all your treasures BuT you can buy a new car and a new house and maybe some ivory jewelry when you get your blood money and all the Elephants are gone forever! You are a pathetic example of humankind! Shameful & disgusting!
You’ve got to be joking.
Why would you do something so wrong and evil? MONEY MONEY MONEY.
You sicken me and none of my family will ever spend one tourism dollar in your country!
In an age where all of Africa\\’s amazing animals are being killed, it\\’s time to protect all of them. The wild animals help provide money in tourism, and jobs for the people. Zambia has a rising economy which could benefit so much more from its live animals.
Just when it’s been announced that more elephants are being killed than are born?? This is a very stupid decision. Please do not allow hunting at all, it is wrong!
Why are you allowing endangered species to be destroyed for money??? STOP THIS NOW!!!!
Please reenact the ban on wild life hunting.. Especially for elephants. Thank you!
I will never travel to a country that allows the hunting and killing of animals that are threatened or endangered. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I am ashamed for you. Africa can do better than this and you are in control, not us Americans sitting across the Atlantic and hoping you will do the right thing. The idea of being a tourist in places that don’t have the animals you came to see is at the least silly. You are letting money and short term gain ruin your long term future both in regards to your “bio-diversity” and your international reputation. It wouldn’t be the first time that and African country has made this mistake. Your focus should be in finding other ways to support your economy. Please reinstate the ban on elephant and all other big game hunting.
It is outrageous that any exotic animal is allowed to be gunned down, especially elephants who desperately need protection as an endangered species. I urge you to reconsider this plan and if it is a matter of money, perhaps we can raise awareness to the plight of elephants and urge fund raising and donations to replace killing.
Our elephants and rhino are being decimated . You decision to allow them to be hunted could only have been fueled by greed or stupidity.
please do not allow hunting to re.start.its a terrible thing to do.we need these animals alive,not dead.please re think.