Minister Of Tourism and Arts Jean Kapata has lifted the ban on hunting in the 19 hunting blocks with immediate effect. Ms Kapata made the announcement at a press briefing held at the Ministry of Tourism head office in Lusaka this morning.
She however said that the hunting will be conducted under laid down conditions and strict supervision from ZAWA. But that the ban on big Cats still stands. Hunting in the said blocks was suspended in 2013 due to inability to select outfitters in these blocks arising from a flawed process in the tender.
Hunting of Lions and other cats was banned on understanding that their populations were depleted to such low levels that it was not sustainable to hunt them.
She has also appealed to everyone to assist government and ZAWA in the conservation of the wildlife and its habitat in Zambia. She said that Zambia prides itself in having arguably the richest bio-diversity on the continent, which we all should guard against depletion..
Article by: The Zambia Wildlife Authority
Please note that we are not the Zambia Tourism Board and don’t make these policy decisions. We are a private organization dedicated to providing information about travel and tourism in Zambia.
UPDATE: Here is ZAWA’s response to this press release:
It is disappointing to hear that hunting is allowed for elephants. This is troubling.Ban hunting on all endangered animals.
Stop killing animals!! Hunting must stop.
Jean Kapata a very sad day you should hang your head in shame. A step backwards for Zambia and humanity.
Please reinstate the ban on hunting elephants. I will not be visiting Zambia because of this decision. Zambia was one of my must see destinations, not any more.
I am very AGAINST this decision! My wife and I spent US$ 10,000 in Zambia this past Feb/March on safari–a PHOTO SAFARI. We would NEVER hunt African wildlife. I am extremely disappointed with this short-sighted decision and though we planned to make our trip to Zambia a yearly trip, we are not going to be back if these are the decisions that are being made. How can you allow hunting of ELEPHANTS, when they are under so much pressure right now??? TERRIBLE DECISION. We are so disappointed!
You have a magnificent heritage…wild life…please don’t let people come in and kill…use this life alive to your advantage…your animals are worth more to you long term and to the planet…alive. Ban hunting.
You have a magnificent heritage…wild life…please don\’t let people come in and kill…use this life alive to your advantage…your animals are worth more bto you long term and to the planet…alive. Ban hunting.
Friendly people?So that\’s why you need to import sadistic murderous assholes from abroad so they can kill of that fantastic wildlife?
What a horrible desicion ! I will never travel to Zambia as long as you allow to hunt big game !Shame on you ! You will go to hell, thats sure !!!
to lift the ban on hunting these magnificent animals is an outrage, I and my friends will not visit or buy any products that come from your country while you allow this atrocity to happen
Please don’t let some retarded people kill these beautiful animals. Against every hunter there are 1000 people who don’t agree with killing animals. Only kill animals if it is for consumption
Get a grip and ban hunting again!
All life is sacred…stop thinking money is important… When all the elephants are dead will you think your money is wonderful then?
People who trophy hunt are sad pathetic individuals who think it makes them impressive…it simply shows how pathetic they are
Please don\’t hunt these wonderful animals, they aren\’t so many left. we have more humans then animals, after a year they will a dead. And there won\’t be mothers to have more baby elephants. Please think twice. you can earn more trough safaris i think! once the animals in your country are dead, tourism will die too and then your economy will go down fast! Please save the elephant!
Absolutely horrible cruel decision. Huge step backward. Brings shame on your country.
Put a ban on hunting! These are living creatures and we have no right to treat them in a disrespectful way!
This is such a sad and disturbing situation. This decision shows exactly what type of community Zambia is with it\’s complete lack of respect for nature. I truly hope someone wakes up and realizes what a mistake this is before it\’s too late. I will definitely not be traveling or contributing to the economy of Zambia until some serious changes are made.
You have just given the green light to hunting elephants for ivory. I hope someone hunts you down and hacks your teeth out.
I will never visit Zambia now …..I will ensure this decision is re posted
High Human population has created a lot of challenge not only to developing countries but also note the scenario of developed countries viz-a viz their wildlife, natural habitat and environmental concerns. They have put a lot of emphasis of those, they are protecting everything they have so dearly, why ? because once they had them and now they do not. they learnt that what happened was a mistake, that they do need them the free roaming creatures of God. We African people are taking for granted what God had once so abundantly gifted us with, Wildlife. i a quest so strong to \”Develop\” we are forgetting that our fore fathers depended on them, lived with them, co-existed and so much respected them that our lives as African had cultural folk tales full of them. So much so our quest to modernize that we have used all their natural habitat that has systematically reduced and drive them into a defensive corner. a corner that they are now fighting for their lives, HWC a common occurrence and NOW we are using BULLETS to \”conserve \” them, what a laughter, what an irony. we are so still in our own imaginary cocoons of \”We have many\” until we have nothing, not eve that money we were so much after that we shall fight and pump in money to restore them back what God had so much once given us for free. This Hunting issues MUST STOP before it is too late. WAKE UP AFRICA THE TIME IS NOW BEFORE WE SAY WOW we have nothing.GOD BLESS AFRICA
How very short sighted of you to lift the ban on hunting. You are in no way helping your country long term. A very sad day for animal conservation.