Minister Of Tourism and Arts Jean Kapata has lifted the ban on hunting in the 19 hunting blocks with immediate effect. Ms Kapata made the announcement at a press briefing held at the Ministry of Tourism head office in Lusaka this morning.
She however said that the hunting will be conducted under laid down conditions and strict supervision from ZAWA. But that the ban on big Cats still stands. Hunting in the said blocks was suspended in 2013 due to inability to select outfitters in these blocks arising from a flawed process in the tender.
Hunting of Lions and other cats was banned on understanding that their populations were depleted to such low levels that it was not sustainable to hunt them.
She has also appealed to everyone to assist government and ZAWA in the conservation of the wildlife and its habitat in Zambia. She said that Zambia prides itself in having arguably the richest bio-diversity on the continent, which we all should guard against depletion..
Article by: The Zambia Wildlife Authority
Please note that we are not the Zambia Tourism Board and don’t make these policy decisions. We are a private organization dedicated to providing information about travel and tourism in Zambia.
UPDATE: Here is ZAWA’s response to this press release:
What an absolutely abhorrent decision. You have some of the most beautiful wildlife in the world and their care and protection is entrusted to you and this is what you do. You have betrayed their trust and the trust of all those who expected you to care and for what…. Money, money cannot and will not replace these magnificent beings when they are wiped off the face of the earth
What’s the point of this??? Why can’t you promote your country boasting the wild life instead of allowing humans to kill them? ALL LIVING THINGS ARE GOD’S CREATION and you have shown total disrespect for God’s creatures!! Shame on you!
As a Travel Agent in Germany, and many others hear the cry of help, I will not continue to recommend Zambia .We only have one planet, save all wildlife from extinction. The elephant hunting ban lift is atrocious!
Please don’t do this. Killing innocent and defendless animals is a barbaric act and should be seen as a crime rather than a hobby. You may attract a few hunters with such laws, but the majority of people does not agree with these hunts. I only visit countries that protect their nature and animals.
Your country will never prosper while it builds on the blood of animals.
Please dont hunt the elephants and other animals. Preserve and look after them so we can visit your country and see them
Awful news for the wildlife. Such I bad decision. I will urge everyone I know to boycot Zambia until ALL hunting is banned.
Being a tourism minister how many people do you think come to kill animals especially elephants compared to the thousands that come to your country to photograph them I am one. To kill the largest land animal in the world is a grave mistake on your behalf I for one would not visit your country again no elephants no tourists. I would how ever go to Botswana for they have strict rules against hunting & poaching so mine and thousands of others would bypass your country. So do consider the consequence of doing this and don’t cave in to the hunters remember elephants especially take a long time to grow. And don’t become another country that will lose this magnificent animal.
A shameful decision. These elephants are endangered and there is no morally justifiable reason to allow them to be hunted. There is only greed. I ask you to undo the harm you’ve done. This is unacceptable.
Dear Minister Kapata,
Lifting this ban may be somewhat profitable for you for a very short season, but that will be over quicker than you think and then nobody will want to visit/spend money on your country, because people love Zambia for its rich wildlife & beautiful nature and once that is diminished or destroyed, any kind of profit will be destroyed with it.
You were blessed with a gift, beautiful wildlife. Please use it to your and your country’s advantage. By allowing these beautiful animals to be killed, you are not only helping drive a elephants to extinction in this world, but you are destroying your own country’s rich wildlife and beautiful land. Nothing will ever compare to what the elephants do to keep your land flourishing (they are your gardners). The majority of people will not spend money to destroy your animals (and therefore your country), but the majority visits to experience your rich wildlife, beautiful land, and rich culture.
You pride yourself in the rich diversity of wildlife in your country, let that continue to be the case. Your country will gain & profit much more from having an abundance of living elephants than some people who are eager to hunt them down. The more your elephants diminish in numbers, the more your beautiful wildlife & nature will wither away. You were blessed with a gift and it’s that very same gift people will want to spend tons of money…to see live & flourishing herds of elephants in abundance in Africa. I pray that Zambia will be the most prosperous country in Africa due to your abundance of elephants and beauty of nature (land & other animals).
More and more, people are starting to understand how complex and almost humanlike (emotions) the elephants are. More & more people are falling in love with them day by day. Please believe me, when I say that it is in your country’s best interest to keep the elephants alive & flourishing to prosper your country. Please reverse the ban on hunting. People will love you for it and just because of reversing this ban, start flocking to YOUR country instead of others.
With much respect,
One caring tourist
Hunt humans – not the innocents, you bastards.
I don\’t understand how you could allow this. You are truly horrible people. Elephants are ENDANGERED! Haven\’t they had enough horror in their lives?!!!
It is unbelievable that when the whole world is aghast at the news that rhinos and elephants could both become extinct within the next decade, you would allow these animals to be SENSELESSLY killed for \\”trophies\\”! It is not only irresponsible but also highly unethical to allow more of these keystone species to be killed. Apparently you do not value ecotourism as a source of revenue because you can be sure that this decision will deter those of us who are offended by it to boycott your country in favour of those who value and protect their wildlife. Shame on you for selling out some of your greatest assets!
I was planning to visit Zambia in one year when I take my next vacation. Now I will be going to someplace less disgraceful- shame on you for allowing the slaughter of your most majestic creatures.
This is a terrible idea economically, ethically and environmentally. Is the short term economic gain so great that it outweighs the long term negative impact of decreased tourism and negative global image as the ever increasing number of conscious consumers decides to go elsewhere ? The world is watching and the power of technology does not allow for such short sightedness by anyone. Have you managed all this time while the ban was in place ? Who will answer when th poachers come and kill the big cats anway and how will YOU then explain it all away ? Nothing good will come from this.
Save the Elephants!!!!!!!!!!!
Please save the Elephants and Lions. Do not kill is one of the 10 Commandments. For the love of God, save the precious Elephants and Lions.
This is seriously disgusting and so atrocious. It hurts to think that humans can be so cruel and evil and full of greed. Animals have just as much right to live as we do. Please re-consider this decision.
I am a former filmmaker and journalist in Washington DC and am shocked by this decision and what drives it. The future of Africa depends on tourism and the continent’s flourishing and abundant wildlife. Why you would condone killing wildlife for sport in 2014 is beyond me. This is shortsighted and separates Zambia from the countries tourists will chose to visit and spend hundreds of thousands of tourist dollars annually. You may want to change the name “Zambia Tourism” to “Zambia Hunting” since your tourists will soon go away.
Dear Minister for Tourism,
Would suggest you rethink your decision to allow hunting of endangered animals in Zambia. If yoour country wants to retain their tourism then you need to make strong laws against hunting your countrys greatest ssets the wild endangered animals. Once they are slaughtered and extint what tourism will your country have left. Look to your childrens future, Keep your assets safe for future generations.