Minister Of Tourism and Arts Jean Kapata has lifted the ban on hunting in the 19 hunting blocks with immediate effect. Ms Kapata made the announcement at a press briefing held at the Ministry of Tourism head office in Lusaka this morning.
She however said that the hunting will be conducted under laid down conditions and strict supervision from ZAWA. But that the ban on big Cats still stands. Hunting in the said blocks was suspended in 2013 due to inability to select outfitters in these blocks arising from a flawed process in the tender.
Hunting of Lions and other cats was banned on understanding that their populations were depleted to such low levels that it was not sustainable to hunt them.
She has also appealed to everyone to assist government and ZAWA in the conservation of the wildlife and its habitat in Zambia. She said that Zambia prides itself in having arguably the richest bio-diversity on the continent, which we all should guard against depletion..
Article by: The Zambia Wildlife Authority
Please note that we are not the Zambia Tourism Board and don’t make these policy decisions. We are a private organization dedicated to providing information about travel and tourism in Zambia.
UPDATE: Here is ZAWA’s response to this press release:
Dear Jean Kapata, Minister of Tourism & the Arts,The World marches against poaching and hunting, specifically for elephants and rhinos, on 4th Oct, in 114 or so major cities… We are sickened to our souls by the senseless barbaric bloodied murder, carried out by insensate beings, in the name of pride, ego, greed and vanity.The irony is, we seek to prove these hunted creatures are sentient beings n thus should not be hurt or murdered… Yet it is a \\\\\\’sentient\\\\\\’ being that condones, orders and is complcit in their murder… …Which of us (which species) is the \\\\\\’animal\\\\\\’… and which is the sentient soul?This is not your world… It is not our world… and as a direct consequence to actions of you and yours, soon, it will be no world… a dead world.Literally,As Minister of the Arts i would expect you to be infused with passion and compassion… To be of noble mind… We need you to protect majestic life in this world, on our behalf… because we the people… can\\\\\\’t. We can march and speak out and shout… But it is souls like you, in your positions of power and elevated stature that change the world… that create the world… and that save the world… Please act in our honour, on our behalf… Our kind regards J Alexander
Dear Ms Kapata,I am very distressed to see that you have lifted the ban on hunting wildlife in Zambia. I was so impressed with Zambia\’s forward thinking policy when you put the ban in place that my husband and I decided that this year we would visit Zambia as I have wanted to see the Lilayi Elephant Orphanage for a long time and also the incredible safari opportunities in your country. Sadly, we have decided to go to Botswana instead as they have banned all hunting which we feel is the right thing to do. At least you have very wisely kept the ban on big cat hunting. I will keep checking your tourist information as I really would like to come to Zambia someday. Hopefully you will find a way to stop trophy hunting. Thank you for taking the time to read my email. Sincerely, Patricia Coe
Shame on you..absolutely disgusting attitude. I’ve always been proud to be Zambian but this news about allowing beautiful animals to be killed is a disgrace to your ministry. Ms Kapata clearly needs a replacement because she knows nothing about conservation. Absolutely disgusted..!!
Zambia is my home forever! I am saddened by this decision-it goes against all African tradtion to shoot our heritage just for fun.
Wrong wrong wrongWill not visit in protest!
This is a total disgrace. Elephants are being killed by the hundreds every year, at a faster rate that they’re being borne, and while some African countries are trying to protect them at a very high cost, Zambia opens the door for rich white idiots to go and kill these beautiful animals. This proves that the government is willing to sell their country to whoever has the money. Jean Kapata is a disgrace to Zambia, she talks about the pride of having the richest wildlife, well her pride is certainly for sell because she’s willing to let the elephants be killed. She’s a hypocrite and a liar. Shame on Zambia! The blood is in your hands!
You break my heart!I will never visit your country now!Hunting is disgusting and cruel, I can\’t believe this!Shame on you!
Hi,I would like to know the reason behind the desicion to allow hunting of these animals in Zambia?i would like to visit your country one day but not if there are hunters there.
Why, why, why would you lift a ban on hunting elephants, especially at a time when they are being slaughtered at an alarming rate. I implore you to reinstate this ban on these amazingly intelligent and social creatures.
This is disgusting! The ban shouldn’t have been lifted to allow more murder of this beautiful harmless creature. I am speechless and I, like thousands of others, demand that it be reinstated.
Following this announcement I will not be including Zambia on my travel itinerary.
Zambia should do ALL to PROTECT it’s WILDLIFE!!!!! Ban ALL kinds of HUNTING!!!!!!!
Killing animals (no matter which ones) is useless, senseless and at most: SIMPLY STUPID! Hunting should be stopped forever. Every single animal has the right to live on this planet. It is not ours, at first it was theirs – and it still is! Would animals hunt humans if they could? I doubt that. Animals are much smarter than we are. Sadly they can\’t fight back that hard. They don\’t have guns. They are not cowards like you are. Shooting an animal from far far away is easy, they can\’t defend themselves when you fire off your gun. You are the ones that are scared to death, but after the animal is dead you pose for pictures and get them stuffed… and what about the feelings of the animal? You don\’t care.Especially those people who decided to allow hunting again have at least the intelligence of a piece of bread – not more. Or simply much less. This is not meant disrespectful, this is just honesty. It\’s all about money, very sad. I can\’t wait to see when the animals strike back – this day will come! STOP THIS STUPID HUNTING – or no single person will every visit your country again. Do you know what this would mean? Again, no money. And you will get none of us to help. You could go down and no one would care. So change something!
I am appalled by this decision. As one who was born and raised in Zambia and who lived there for 50+ years – and a former Honorary Wildlife Ranger and safari camp owner/operator – I am absolutely amazed and disappointed in this very short sighted decision. Given that elephant populations in Africa are now seriously in danger, to allow hunting of them is going to contribute to their eventual demise. The BBC website reports: “A new study suggests the number of Africa’s elephants has declined to a critical point.
It says around 35,000 elephants are killed for their ivory each year, and that if the rate of poaching does not slow down, the species could be wiped out in a century.
The demand for ivory products in Asia is blamed for fuelling the problem.” All right thinking, logical and concerned people need to voice their opposition to this. I shall now begin a Zambia anti – elephant hunting group on Facebook immediately.
So people – join the group now in your thousands at and say a huge “NO” to elephant hunting in Zambia!
This woman is out of her mind. She did so well, now she is the big dissapointment of the world. Shame on you, turn back time and make yourself strong for conservation.. Dont go for the hunters money
What a stupid decision. You should be proud of your wild life instead of killing it !!!!
Insanity and outright disregard. Money to be made just like the SA government who has no respect for wildlife either.
Are you total idiots? The world is fighting to protect these magnificent creatures and here you are signing their death sentence and complete anialiation.War declared I am sure.
Please don’t undo the only protection the elephants have! There is NOTHING righteous about slaughter on these beautiful animals. Lifting this ban puts a welcome mat out to the soulless individuals that have no regard for anything but capitalization without regard of their morbid actions.
You place yourself at the same level as any of the bastards carrying out these ludicrous acts in lifting such a ban. Shame on you. A true leader could never even think of doing such a thoughtless thing as this. How do you sleep at night, sir?