Destination Livingstone
"Creeping with awe to the verge, I peered down into a large rent which had been made from bank to bank of the broad Zambezi and saw that a stream of a thousand yards broad leapt down a hundred feet and then became suddenly compressed into a space of fifteen [...]
Conservation Kafue-Style
The Kafue National Park is Zambia’s oldest and largest national park. It is also one of the continent’s wildest parks and due to its limited tourism activity, the bush is still pure and unexplored... Writer: Sarah Kingdom Photography: Mukambi Safaris The Busanga swamps, with their adjacent flood plains, [...]
Exclusive Wilderness Escapes for Families
No matter the differences in age and interest of the group, there are several wilderness destinations in Zambia that are family-friendly and ensure everyone has a great time throughout. Keep an eye out for the diverse wildlife of Kafue National Park while on a game drive © Green Safaris [...]
Zambia is Open and Needs You!
From its people and businesses to wildlife and natural environments, Zambia needs you in order to continue surviving and developing as a wonderful wilderness gem in the heart of Southern Africa. © Tongabezi When COVID-19 hit Africa’s shores – after having forced most countries overseas to close borders for outbound [...]
A Quick Travel Guide on How to Get to Livingstone from Lusaka
Written by: Marion Mithamo; Travel Content Creator Is Livingstone, Zambia on your bucket list? The holidays are upon us & if you’re planning to, or simply thinking about, travelling to Livingstone from Lusaka soon, then this travel guide is for you! Victoria Falls Photo Credit: Scrapbook Journeys As a [...]
WATCH: Kasanka Bat Season Teaser 2020
Once a year, (between October and December) after having migrated for thousands of kilometers the arrival of about 10 million fruit bats takes place at the Kasanka National Park in Northern Zambia. This incredible spectacle is known as the world's largest mammal migration. Watch the teaser for one of the [...]
A Beginner’s Guide To Tiger Fishing On The Lower Zambezi
The rod tugs. ‘Ah, must be caught on more reeds’, I think, as I gently loosen the line in preparation to untangle and bring it back in. The rod tugs again, harder this time. It tugs more urgently and I quickly realize that no amount of currents or reeds can [...]
Family Travel in Zambia
Writer: Mindy Roberts Photography: Time + Tide Sharing extraordinary travel experiences with your family is sometimes difficult. Photos and even video don’t do the moments justice. When trying to explain these events to your nearest and dearest, you sometimes get glazed looks. I had been living in Zambia for some [...]
Seven Amazing Facts About Carmine Bee-Eaters
Travel along the banks of the Luangwa River and you won't need to do too much searching before you come across the beautifully coloured carmine bee-eater colonies. Carmine colonies make their presence known with their vibrant colours and loud chirping, which can be heard for more than a kilometre away. [...]
Empowering Livingstone’s Community this World Food Day
Life at Tongabezi goes beyond the lodge and into the communities with whom we share this beautiful corner of Zambia. We are privileged to work alongside people that are not only brilliant at their jobs but are also inspiring leaders within their communities, particularly during this challenging time. Several villages [...]
Fuchs Elephant Charge 2020 raises ZMW 2.9m for conservation
Article contribution by Sarah Davies - Elephant Charge Committee Member. Amongst the tribulations and challenges of this year, we weren’t even sure that the Fuchs Elephant Charge 2020 would take place. It was the darkest of depressions for the Elephant Charge committee who have looked forward to the annual event [...]
17 Days and 365 kms: Walk Luangwa 2020
2020 has been a tough year for most people around the world, but there are many natural environments which have breathed a sigh of relief from the human impacts on their spaces. The Luangwa Valley is a natural space where the movements of wildlife and humans are closely linked, and [...]