Are you Ready for a Photo Tour?
During the enquiry and booking process, I talk to hundreds of guests about what's involved in a photo safari in the South Luangwa. One of the most common questions that comes up is whether the guests are "ready for a photo safari". The short answer is that if you love [...]
Breaking The Rules
Backlit photography, photography against the light, why not…? Backlighting goes against many “standard” photography rules, which often recommend to “Keep the sun behind you”. When you're backlighting you do the complete opposite and shoot towards the sun. The question is, of course, what would you like to achieve? Is a [...]
Ginger Rules in South Luangwa!
Ginger the lion is a favourite amongst the many big cat lovers who visit South Luangwa in Zambia. His fiery temperament and unusual colouring make him easy to spot. He is the dominant male of a mega pride in the Mfuwe area that grew to 27 members at one point. [...]
The Best Time to Visit Zambia’s Victoria Falls
Once in a lifetime. No matter what time of year you visit the Victoria Falls, it will be a once in a lifetime experience. After all, it is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You can make your trip to the [...]
The best of Zambia on Instagram last week
It's been another busy week for Zambia on Instagram. With the Easter holidays fast-approaching, maybe it's time you packed your camera and booked your own visit! These fantastic shots from last week should help inspire you. Behold the boundless beauty of our beloved Zambia! Don't forget to add your own [...]
Barking baboons and slithering snakes at Luangwa River
Robin Pope Safari recently welcomed a new member to the team, Michael, and his first week was certainly a busy one! Michael is currently hosting at Nkwali, and then will be scooting up to our Mobile Walking Safaris when we open that for the season in June. During his first [...]
The best of Zambia this week on Instagram
It's been hot and humid in Zambia this week, with plenty of rain and storms across much of the country. But that makes for spectacular images, with the vegetation looking lush, the waterfalls flowing at full force beneath ever-changing skies. Here's a selection of some of the best Instagram images [...]
Protecting Kasanka’s fruit bats
Every year, approximately 10 million fruit bats make their way from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Zambia's Kasanka National Park, where they take up residence in a small forest. This is the largest mammal migration on earth, and seeing the fruit bats cover the sky at sundown is a [...]
Ready for River Journeys down the Luangwa
To be in the heart of the South Luangwa National Park at peak flood time, with the river as your only access to the first camp built in Zambia, is quite the safari experience. During Robin Pope Safaris’ annual River Journeys, guests get to explore parts of the valley which [...]
The best of Zambia on Instagram this week
It's a new year, and we're back with our best shots from Zambia on Instagram since we welcomed in 2017. There have already been some absolute crackers, as you'll see below. We have no doubt there will be plenty more great images to share here over the course of this [...]
Get Lost in Luxury with Wildluxe at Tongabezi
I could stay lost in this moment forever. Moments like this don’t happen all too often. Unless you’re Misha Gillingham. She’s the woman behind Wildluxe, one of the top luxury travel blogs in the world. She seeks out the most luxurious spots on the planet and then visits them for [...]
Tips for Wildlife Photographers Part 5: Be ready for “that” moment!
This is the fifth and final instalment in our blog series on wildlife photography tips from experienced photographer and guide Edward Selfe . Read the other entries in this series here. Some of the finest photos of wildlife that appear in exhibitions and on the web are a case of “right place, [...]