The best of Zambia on Instagram this week – 1 July 2016

Featured Photography: Will Burrard-Lucas A lovely little malachite kingfisher, Luangwa River, Zambia. A photo posted by Will Burrard-Lucas | Wildlife (@willbl) on Jun 30, 2016 at 10:43am PDT #sunset #safariworld #Zambia A photo posted by Marylou van der Klooster (@marylouvdklooster) on Jun 30, 2016 at 8:13am PDT A photo posted [...]

Elefest 2016: Zambia goes wild for the music

Elefest 2016 Mokoomba announced as headline act! 14 May, Lusaka Showgrounds #OurZambiaOurWildlife #ZambiaYanguVinyamaVatu On 14 May, the herds will gather at the Lusaka Showgrounds to celebrate wildlife conservation in Zambia.  After the success of last year’s first EleFest, the 2016 festival line-up has expanded with exciting new international acts, including [...]

South Luangwa – a World-Class Destination for Bird Photographers

The South Luangwa National Park proudly boasts a bird list totaling more than 450 species. This is certainly impressive, but perhaps more relevant is the incredible fact that it’s possible to see more than 100 species in a day! As a destination for birders, it must be high on all [...]

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