Lower Zambezi Rescue Brings New Addition to Lilayi Elephant Nursery
Monday 11 January, a team from GRI – Elephant Orphanage Project (EOP) drove down to Lower Zambezi to rescue an abandoned and orphaned elephant calf, the latest addition to the orphan herd at the Lilayi Elephant Nursery (LEN) outside Lusaka. EOP’s mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and release orphaned elephants [...]
Zambia to expand Tanganyika tourism
Government and stakeholders have been urged to explore the tourism potential on Lake Tanganyika in Mpulungu District to positively contribute to the growth of the sector in 2016 and beyond. Mpulungu Harbour Authority (MHA) manager, Dennis Kaluba, said there was a need for all stakeholders to explore the tourism potential of [...]
Warthog gets nasty surprise
Having lived in Luangwa for nearly seven years, I have seen a lot of fascinating wildlife events. What follows is one of the most unusual that I can remember, although it is perhaps remarkable that I have not seen it more often. I was driving with two guests – both [...]
Celebrating a Zambian Conservation Hero
On Thursday 10 December, Game Rangers International (GRI) hosted a celebration to honour the achievements of Cosmas Mumba, the Project Manager of GRI – Zambia Primate Project. As the first ever Zambian, Cosmas was recently nominated to the prestigious Tusk Conservation Award, supported by HRH Prince William. Cosmas attended the [...]
Helping Zambia’s online tourism footprint
The end of the year is fast approaching and with it a time for reflection on the year that was 2015. Here at Zambia Tourism, it's been a busy but very successful year. At the end of 2014, you may remember that some of our team set off on a [...]
When a Warthog Attacks in the Kafue
It was whilst on an afternoon drive from Musekese Camp, Jeffery & McKeith Safaris in north central Kafue National Park, Zambia that we witnessed the most unexpected and, as far a we know, as yet photographically un-documented sighting ever… We had just had the first brief rainstorm of the season [...]
Hungry hyena steals leopard’s dinner
As the temperatures in Luangwa continue to rise and the water level continues to drop, tension amongst the wildlife is building as they fight over the limited resources available. Photographer, Kanwar Deep Juneja, was lucky enough to witness quite the epic stand-off between a leopard and a hyena. Kanwar was [...]
ZAWA scale up their efforts to protect the pangolin
In the past week, Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) has rescued six pangolins through four separate operations across western Zambia. These scaly anteaters had been illegally captured from the wild by poachers and were being sold as part of the illegal wildlife trade. GRI Wildlife Veterinary Project has assisted ZAWA in [...]
Livingstone Heats Up!
We are halfway through spring and summer is fast approaching, if not already upon us, considering the temperatures that have been experienced in Livingstone recently! The town of Livingstone, has a subtropical climate with hot and rainy wet seasons and very hot pre-wet seasons. At this time of the year, [...]
Tujatane – A Local School With Big Dreams
Making safari dreams come true whilst supporting the local community is an ethos Tongabezi Safari Lodge lives by. Helping local communities and providing a better future for the underprivileged has always been close to the Tongabezi team’s hearts. The Tujatane Trust School, located in a small Zambian village, is the [...]
Zambia Launches e-Visa
The Zambia Tourism Board is pleased to announce that the Government of the Republic of Zambia through the Ministry of Home Affairs (Department of Immigration) launched the e-Visa facility on Wednesday, 14th October, 2015 at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka which was officiated by the Minister of Home Affairs. The e-Visa facility [...]
A Wild Walking Encounter in South Luangwa
“When we arrive at the crime scene, barely any evidence remains. Only a few blood-soaked blades of grass, glistening in the tangerine dawn sunshine, reveal foul play has been afoot. By now the perpetrators are long gone, having raced into the dense teak forest, so thick and lush in late [...]