Time for Zambia to Come up With a Tourism Master Plan
The Hotel and Catering Association of Zambia (HCAZ) has urged the Zambian government to come up with a tourism master plan to help guide the tourism sector's operations through 2015 and beyond. HCAZ president Daniel Mweetwa said: “As a country, we need a master plan on tourism which will encompass [...]
Putting Conservation into Practice at Game Rangers International
Ever thought of spending a night in a national park, surrounded by wild animals and scary but often funny sounds? Have you ever imagined how wild animals like elephants feed and play around? These were some of my many amazing experiences with Game Rangers International! Three months of so many [...]
Zambia’s “Yellow Fever-Free” Status Good for Tourism in 2015
Zambia received an early Christmas present when it was declared a yellow fever-free zone by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the run up to the end of year festivities. As we look ahead into 2015 and beyond, this is an important step in Zambia's tourism growth. The WHO's acknowledgment [...]
Walking With Lions: Con Or Conservation?
I must admit that before my latest visit to Zambia, I didn't know that much about "lion walks", lion "cub-petting" and other similar "animal encounter" activities, either in Zambia or here at home in South Africa. But from the little I did know, something didn't seem right to me. I've [...]
Conservation Lower Zambezi Newsletter November 2014
Gorongosa Restoration Project visit the Lower Zambezi This month, CLZ hosted the team from the Gorongosa Restoration Project in Mozambique. This followed on from the visit by CLZ’s operations staff and ZAWA area warden earlier this year. The two parks are building a relationship to share experiences and expertise in wildlife protection. From Gorongosa, Mateus [...]
ZTB Launches Domestic Tourism Campaign
The Zambian Tourism Board (ZTB) has officially launched a campaign to encourage Zambians to see some of their country's tourism highlights this festive season rather than just staying at home. The Christmas period traditionally sees many lodges and hotels closing due to lack of business at this time of year. [...]
Tourism Board Asks Home Affairs to Simplify Tourist Visa Process
In a bid to attract more international tourists to Zambia, The Zambia Tourism Board has asked the Ministry of Home Affairs to simplify the current visa process. ZTB Managing Director Felix Chaila noted in his appeal that neighbouring countries had already made significant changes to visa fees or scrapped visas [...]
Fastjet Zambia to Launch Soon?
Fastjet Zambia made a major step towards launching its operations in the country last week when it was granted its Air Service Permit (ASP). CEO Ed Winter said: “We have been working tirelessly to roll out the fastjet model across the region and obtaining the ASP in Zambia is a [...]
A Special Visit to Project Luangwa
Whenever possible, I like to be a responsible traveller. I feel it’s an important part of modern tourism and a way for me to make my “gallivanting” (as my father calls it) a less selfish and superficial pursuit. Before visiting a country, I try to read up as much as [...]
New Uni-Visa System to Boost Zambia’s Tourism?
From the 1st of December 2014, a new uni-visa system will be implemented at Zambian/Zimbabwean borders and will mean that visitors to both countries will require only one visa. This applies to all 40 countries that currently require visas for either country. The new visa regime is premised on an [...]
On the Road with Zambia Tourism VI: Liuwa Plains
With our trip into it's final week, we made our way south-west towards Liuwa Plains. Some locals we had got talking to in Mayukuyuku Camp back in Kafue had told us the trip would take us 4 hours or so. After the last month or so in Zambia, 4 hours [...]
On the Road with Zambia Tourism V: Kafue and Mayukuyuku Camp
After a brief stopover in Kasanka National Park for the start of the bat migration and a few days in the city of Ndola to refuel, restock, recuperate, send some teammates home and collect some others flying in to join the trip, we gradually made our way towards Kafue National [...]