ZAWA- CLZ Labour Day Scouts Awards
Awarding the Deserving ZAWA and CLZ held the Annual May Day Scout awards this month to honour the ZAWA Wildlife Police Offices of the Lower Zambezi who work 365 days a year, in all weather and in challenging and often dangerous conditions. The awards are to show the appreciation of [...]
Cocktails for Conservation
Game Rangers International (GRI) operates five conservation projects in Zambia. The Elephant Orphanage Project has rescued 13 animals, which are being rehabilitated at Lilayi Elephant Nursery and Kafue Release Facility and will ultimately be released back into the wild in Kafue National Park. As well as animal welfare, GRI supports [...]
Tackling the New Tourism Tax
As of early 2014, all tourism packages and activities in Zambia now incur an expense of an additional 16% allocated to VAT, where previously VAT on tourism in the country was 0%. This will not apply to any bookings that were made back in 2013. This follows on from Kenya’s [...]
Male Elephant Successfully Relocated to Kafue National Park
On Saturday 10th May, Game Rangers International (GRI) and the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) successfully relocated an adult male elephant from the Nega Nega area of Mazabuka District to the Kafue National Park. The operation was supported by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and generous members of the [...]
Mosi-Oa-Tunya Rhino Rescued
ZAWA has successfully removed and treated a pregnant rhino that was recently caught up in a snare in Livingstone’s Mosi-Oa-Tunya National Park. The Rhino, known as Inonge was caught in a snare set up by some unknown poachers last week. She is eight months pregnant. This Rhino specie needs [...]
SLCS Fun Run
This year the SLCS fun run is even BIGGER and Better.. We have a chartered plane taking people there and have some great deals at various lodges […]
Funds secured for ZAWA Scouts
The Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) has secured funds from government to pay all outstanding salaries for Village Scouts countrywide. By last week most of the Scouts received their January salaries, while the rest for February, March and April have been rolled out this week. […]
ZAWA Goes Electronic
THE Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) is in the process of automating its revenue collection and licensing system which will soon be rolled out to National Parks countrywide. ZAWA has spent about $300,000 to secure and implement the system aimed at ensuring transparency, efficiency and effective communication. The system will provide [...]
Conservation Lower Zambezi Newsletter March 2014
LZ Safari Guide Training and Exams Above: Candidates put through their paces by thick bush and tough examining team CLZ Base Camp has been flooded this month with trainee guides and candidates for the Lower Zambezi Safari Guide Exams. As part of this process, 30 guides attended training led by [...]
LATF Contributes to ZAWA
Above: LATF representative Edward Phiri (left) hands over contributed items and a certificate of commendation to ZAWA DG Xenophon Vlahakis (right). The Lusaka Agreement Task Force (LATF) has made a contribution of assorted law enforcement equipment and cash worth about $8000 to the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) in support of [...]
ZAWA & GRI Train Wildlife Officers
The Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) in collaboration with Game Rangers International (GRI) yesterday concluded a seven day training exercise for Wildlife Police officers at Kafue National Park. The training included an introduction to small firearms and tactical planning for ZAWA’s Special Anti-Poaching Unit (SAPU) and the Intelligence and Investigations Unit [...]
Zambian poachers killed in Zimbabwe
The Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) has received information of a fatal shooting incident in which some Zambian Nationals who are alleged to have gone poaching in a National Park in Zimbabwe have been shot dead and others injured. ZAWA Investigations Unit (IIU) has since contacted Zim Parks to establish circumstances [...]