Buffallo released back in Lochinvar
March 25, 2014 The Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) is pleased to inform you that it has successfully captured and released back safely into Lochinvar National Park, a female Buffalo that had recently strayed into the farming community of Monze district. ZAWA last week received a report from farm owner, Terry Johns,that [...]
Kasanka Cycle Challenge 2014
On 25th May 2014, Kasanka National Park plays host to the annual Cycle Challenge. This event invites cyclists and spectators from all over the country to participate in an off road adventure with a difference. With three races to suit every ability, pedalling pioneers can take part in the 45km [...]
Project Luangwa Newsletter February/March 2014
The start of 2014 brought us two great volunteers and this month I've handed over the newsletter to one of them. My name is Julia . . . . . . and I recently volunteered to help Project Luangwa with their sponsorship program during a gap year between high school [...]
Minister of Tourism and Arts Sylvia Masembo’s speech at the annual Elephant Charge
About Elephant Charge Elephant Charge is an annual 4x4 challenge that raises funds for conservation in Zambia. During the Independence Weekend some 250 bush lovers and 4x4 enthusiasts converge in some remote spot for a camping weekend of extreme driving and orienteering. In 2013, the fifth event, the 20 teams [...]
Volunteer to Stop Deforestation in Africa
Greenpop’s Trees for Zambia - a Festival of Action “Trees for Zambia was absolutely life-changing! I had the most amazing time. The impact this has had on me, the people I have met and things I’ve seen will stay with me forever.” - Gerry Geldenhuys, volunteer 2013 Join an exciting [...]
Conservation Lower Zambezi Newsletter February 2014
Human wildlife Conflict: Challenges and mitigation Human wildlife conflict has been peaked this month - with crops at a healthy stage, elephants and hippos have been carrying out regular raids on farmland in the villages of Chiawa GMA. Thanks to the International Elephant Foundation and ZAWA, we have been able [...]
Toka Leya Donates Solar Pumps
Wilderness Safaris’ official handover of two solar pumps, four water tanks and two water troughs to Sinde village in Zambia took place on Wednesday, the 26th of February 2014. In collaboration with the village headmen, this generous donation was funded by guests from Toka Leya Camp and will greatly assist [...]
North Luangwa added to TFCA
The Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) would like to inform you that North Luangwa National Park has been added to the Zambian component of the Malawi-Zambia Trans-Frontier Conservation Area (TFCA). A Trans-frontier Conservation Area is an area or component of a large ecological region that straddles the boundaries of two or [...]
My Life with Leopards
My Life With Leopards, Graham Cooke’s Story by Fransje van Riel, Penguin Books. When two six-week-old leopard cubs, born in captivity in Zimbabwe, arrive at the Londolozi private game reserve in South Africa, 22-year-old game ranger Graham Cooke is assigned to take care of them. Based in an unfenced tented [...]
In love with Liuwa Plains
Liuwa Plains National Park is a park in Barotseland in Western Zambia that is distinct from the rest of the country and holds allure for wildlife afficianodos from the world on account of its diversity and extraordinary landscapes. Liuwa has been described as akin to the Okavango Delta and for [...]
GPS Tracking collar fitted to Chodoba
At nine years old, Chodoba (“lost and found” in the local language) is the oldest elephant cared for by the Game Rangers International (GRI) Elephant Orphanage Project in Zambia. In 2007 he was found weak and alone, in South Luangwa National Park, and has since been cared for and rehabilitated [...]
Zawa Wins Mumbwa Case
Zambia Wildlife Authority Press Release The Lusaka High court has dismissed the case in which illegal squatters in the Mumbwa Game Management Area (GMA) had sought an injunction restraining the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) from acting on the Lands tribunal’s judgement to relocate them from the GMA to an alternative [...]