Back to school
Now that the kids are back at school after the holidays we’ve been busy giving out text books bought with donated funds as well as toys, bras, junior dictionaries and all sorts of things.
Last week over $1000 worth of books and teaching materials went to Hanada Pre-school, a tiny school close to Mfuwe airport. This year, as well as books, we have been able to pass on some great toys to the children at Hanada; building bricks, cars and lovely wooden dolls all donated by the children, parents and teachers at Agincourt School in the UK who also funded the purchase of the books.
Thank you Agincourt and everyone who has kindly donated schools supplies, books and more.
Not all news is good news . . .
. . . and we are sorry to announce the end of our International Pilot Post. For the last couple of years some very kind BA pilots have been bringing out bags of donated school items and books whenever they are scheduled to fly from London to Lusaka. On arrival they hand the bags to Tours Africa at Lusaka airport who pass them on to Proflight, who then puts them onto their next flight with spare luggage space to Mfuwe. All for free; it’s a great way to help the kids here in South Luangwa.
But October 27th will see the last British Airways flight from Heathrow to Lusaka and so our International Pilot Post will come to an end. We’d like to thank BA and everyone who has been involved in getting many, many bags out to Lusaka over the last couple of years. They have helped us with books for three libraries, countless books for our Literacy Scheme, stationery and much more. Our thanks go especially to Bill and Elaine Booth and Wendy Smith who started the scheme.
Our Lusaka to Mfuwe Pilot Post is still up and running and a big thank you also goes to Proflight and Tours Africa – we couldn’t do it with you.
I know buildings aren’t sexy news but . . .
. . . they are essential, especially at the schools in and around Mfuwe. So we are very pleased to say that we have just started digging the foundations for a new 1 x 3 classroom block at Katapila Community School, have nearly completed the 1 x 3 block for Mnkhanya Community School, are at roof level for the girls’ new dormitory and ablution block and are well on the way to completing the second block of special female toilets at Mfuwe Day Secondary School.
We’ve got more kids into college . .
. . and university this year than ever before thanks to some very generous sponsors.
Benjamin Mwale and Willard Hosten are just two of the hardworking pupils who completed school through our sponsorship scheme and have qualified for a place in college. From January 2014 both will be attending Paglory College to train as teachers and both will be sponsored by the same generous sponsors who supported them through school. Thank you for helping them towards realising not just their potential, but also their dreams.
There is only so much you can put in a newsletter.
So much more goes on at Project Luangwa and it’s not all always all about schools and kids either – there’s the one armed visitor who sat on the cat for example. To really keep up to date – and find out what goes on behind the scenes – check us out on Facebook. You’ll miss an awful lot if you don’t.
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